Project Delta
Project Delta is an online team deathmatch game ​created as a University Project that went beyond its scope and came close to a publishable state.
Fully Networked Players with synchronized shooting, health, and IK animations.
Fully fledged leaderboard system to track player stats
Offline Training Mode
Fully Networked Chat system
JSON-based, encrypted user details saving feature.​
JSON File Management
Playfab leaderboards
Photon Pun 2
Photon Chat
IK Procedural Animation
A major area learned from this project was in understanding some of the development concepts that go into making a networked game function. This was an area that was very grey to me, and working on a networked game of this scale, even when provided through a framework like Photon, demonstrated some of the fundamentals of designing a networked game.
Some additional interesting features learned were the JSON file saving system, as well as IK-based procedural animation, there were interesting additions that were novel concepts for me at the time.
This project's source code currently cannot be released due to it relying on API Key secrets for functionality.
Tools Used